Kosmos Artificial Intelligence

Leveraging cutting-edge deep learning algorithms to transform the way clinicians assess heart, lungs, and abdomen in minutes


Automated grading, guiding, and labeling

Our AI TRIO helps scanners move quickly from novice to expert. Our anatomical detection techniques offer real time guidance for probe positioning in cardiac and FAST examinations. The highlighted bar system shows when you are in the optimal plane for measurement purposes or for assessing anatomical structures

  • True scanning guidance in real-time
  • Fast & accurate identification of cardiac structures
  • Real-time grading of image quality
  • Drive repeatability and reproducibility of key clinical measurements
  • Accelerates user learning curves and improve confidence
  • Provides data to support evidence based decision making
Trio: AI-driven guidance, grading, and labeling of cardiac anatomy
Trio: AI-driven guidance, grading, and labeling of cardiac anatomy
AI-assisted EF Workflow: AI-driven ejection fraction and stroke volume
Ejection Fraction Report

Kosmos Ejection Fraction

Systolic cardiac function calculations in seconds

  • Automated Ejection Fraction, Stroke Volume, Cardiac Output, and Heart Rate calculations
  • No need to wait, real time data on systolic cardiac function, at the bedside
  • Manual override of automated outlines if required
  • Drives repeatability and reproducibility on key clinical measurements

COMING SOON | Auto Doppler

Auto PW & TDI sample gate placement and interrogation

  • PW sample gate locations at the LVOT, MV, PV, TV
  • TDI sample gate locations at MV Septal and Lateral annulus and TV annulus
  • Auto adjusts baseline to optimize signal
Auto Doppler automatically places the sample gate in the optimal location for the cardiac valve of interest, drastically simplifying valve interrogation for POCUS users.
AI FAST: AI-driven anatomical labeling and view identification


Real-time automated anatomical labeling and view identification

  • Quickly and confidently identify views and key anatomical structures for the FAST Exam in real time
  • Easier identification of typical areas for fluid collections

COMING SOON | Auto Preset

Touch-free, real-time exam preset optimization

  • Allows users to do multi organ lung, abdomen, and cardiac exams without lifting a finger 
  • Auto Preset will optimize the quality of your exams by always ensuring you are in the correct preset
Auto Preset is an intelligent feature that seamlessly adjusts the exam preset in real time as the user scans different anatomies. Whether transitioning from scanning the abdomen to scanning the lungs or heart, the system intuitively switches to the appropriate preset, ensuring optimal imaging without manual intervention. This feature is especially beneficial for new users, ensuring that they operate under the preset that will give them optimal image clarity

Us2.ai Cardiac Output Workflow

The only solution for fully-automated, complete echo reports is now paired with the only mobile device with AI to guide users and capture CW/PW/Tissue Doppler and all 2D Views.

Automated analysis of all heart chambers, using both 2D and Doppler views to create a full echo report, with seamlessly integrated international reference guidelines, generating findings for heart structure and function.

  • Reduced analysis time (20-40 minutes (human) vs. 1.2 min (AI, software)
  • Improved accuracy – Core lab testing showed 0% variability in results
  • High accuracy completely interchangeable with core lab trained sonographers)
  • Integrated into the Kosmos system or available as an on premises server
  • Operates in real time continually acquiring data during the exam
  • Drives repeatability and reproducibility of key clinical measurements
  • Provides data to support evidence based decision making
  • Reduces operator variability

*The Kosmos Trio tool, AI FAST, and EF are released under the Enforcement Policy for Imaging Systems During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Public Health Emergency, Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff, April 2020 and have not been cleared by the FDA.